
Fallout shelter online 4
Fallout shelter online 4

fallout shelter online 4

There is the possibility of making friends with other players or challenge them to a duel.Construction and management simulation, survivalįallout Shelter is a free-to-play construction and management simulation video game developed by Bethesda Game Studios, with assistance by Behaviour Interactive, and published by Bethesda Softworks.

fallout shelter online 4

Since this is an online game, PvP has also been introduced. Raiders, Super Mutants, Deathclaws and other hostile creatures will stand in players' way when exploring the wasteland but that will not be all. The devs already offered some glimpses of the Sanctuary Hills, Red Rocket Gas station and Diamond City. Several key locations from Fallout 4 will also be added. Bonds are not global bonuses though and will only offer advantages over certain enemy types. These characters will not just simply fit together when you add them as different combinations of heroes can unlock certain Bond effects which will give them better proficiency.

fallout shelter online 4

Players will be able to recruit many iconic characters from Fallout 4, such as Nick Valentine, Magnolia, Strong, Dogmeat, Elder Maxson, Shaun, Cait, Hancock, Deacon and more. The game will expand on the foundations laid by the original Fallout Shelter as it will keep the vault building aspect while also adding new locations, campaign and multiplayer. Technically it's only available for download at the time of writing as the actual launch time was 10:00 AM GMT / 2:00 PM KST & JST / 1:00 PM GST. It is currently only available in Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, Singapore, South Korea and Japan. Fallout Shelter Online is the official sequel to Bethesda's last well-received title in the post-nuclear universe, Fallout Shelter.

Fallout shelter online 4